m.monzon.93's blog


First day of the workshop we needed to say what our favourite word was, it's a question I never did to myself, since I didn't have one in mind I picked the last I learn, in a different language than mine. It is interesting how other languages express different feelings or things in the same word, something that you don't have in your mother language, I found that interesting. The next step was to pick some of the Website we use the most in our daily routine, I choose an online journal, a video platform and a label and record store website. We needed to put words around describing the actions we could do on each website or any feeling that it gave to us. One of the words I choose to put on my website was "Dig" since it is the action I most do on the website. This word would guide my next work. I choose the sentence "Digging in order to respect" inspired in my board to be my statement. That sentence developed to my Poetic story title: As a curious user, I want to dig in the mine to cultivate myself I got inspired to write that title from the vintage video game Minesweeper. That game represented the action of digging pretty well to me, and I got inspired by its graphics to create my work. I liked the very simple style and the playfulness of the game, I could make the same for my interaction. In my final version, you can see a Grid where you need to dig to find information, by clicking, a part of the grid gets cleared until you finish or find the mine that makes you lose the game and start again.